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Author Guidelines

  1. Op. Cit.: A Journal of Anglo-American Studies accepts original texts which may contribute to advancing research within the fields of Anglo-American Studies, including literature, linguistics and cultural studies, as well as translation studies, art and performance studies, from a multidisciplinary point of view.
  2. Op. Cit. publishes issues edited by the Editorial Board or by guest editors, who are responsible for preparing thematic issues in collaboration with the Editorial Board. Although individual authors maybe invited to submit manuscripts, all the texts must follow the guidelines contained in this document, and will be evaluated as described below.
  3. The manuscripts submitted to Op. Cit. must be unpublished and authored by the person(s) submitting them. The manuscripts must clearly identify the source of every item that is not original (e.g. text excerpts, illustrations, tables, etc.), and make explicit reference, whenever necessary, to permissions obtained from copyright holders and/or authors. In the latter case, if the manuscripts include items protected by intellectual property rights, authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders.
  4. Submission of an article to Op. Cit. is a certification by the author(s) that the manuscript has not been otherwise published (in print or digital format, in Portugal or abroad, in Portuguese or any other language), or submitted at the same time to any other publication. Although the Op. Cit. editorial policy is to publish original manuscripts, the Editorial Board may decide in exceptional cases to publish a previously published text, based on criteria of scholarly and intellectual relevance and opportuneness. In that case, the manuscript will only be published with an authorization from the owner(s) of the intellectual property rights.
  5. Manuscripts may be submitted in Portuguese or English. If manuscripts are submitted in Portuguese, they should be accompanied by an abstract and keywords in English; in the case of manuscripts submitted in English, Op. Cit. will be responsible for the translation of the abstract and keywords into Portuguese. 

Submission Preparation Checklist


  1. Manuscripts should be submitted in Word file format and sent by email to the Editor-in-chief. Texts should have no extra spaces between paragraphs, headers, or any other special formatting.
  2. All the original texts should be presented in final version, with a length of 10,000 to 20,000 characters without spaces (including notes and bibliographic references) for position papers and 30,000 to 40,000 characters without spaces (including abstract, keywords, notes and bibliographic references) for articles. Texts should be formatted in size 12 Times New Roman font, 1.5 spacing and with normal margins (2.5 cm top and bottom; 3 cm right and left).
  3. Manuscripts submitted to Op. Cit. may include tables, figures, photographs or drawings that illustrate or clarify the arguments made, if in limited number and with good quality (resolution of 300dpi and 11 cm wide, min.) for printing in black and white. Images must be sent in the same text document and also separately in JPEG or TIF format. If images include text, the font used should be Helvetica (or Arial, alternatively), size 9, regular. All images must be accompanied by a clear indication of the source and respective copyright.
  4. Authors should always provide a brief biographical note together with their submission (preferably in English for submissions in Portuguese) (c. 500 characters without spaces).
  5. Manuscripts should always include an abstract, which should not exceed 900 characters without spaces, and keywords (up to 6). The submissions in Portuguese should be accompanied by two abstracts, and two groups of keywords, in Portuguese and in English.


Manuscripts should conform to the latest edition of the MLA Handbook as adopted by Op. Cit. style sheet. All contributors should familiarize themselves with the following guidelines and attempt to follow them to the letter. Disregarding the instructions below will regretfully result in delays and add extra time to the reviewing process.


  • AUTHOR (also indicate the way you want your name in the citation) 
  • SHORT BIO (500 caracters without spaces).


    • Title: Times New Roman; uppercase and lowercase characters; size 14; centred; bold.
    • Text: Times New Roman, size 12; 1,5 spaces; justified
    • Sub-paragraph: avoid using automatic numbering
    • Sections: avoid using only uppercase characters.
  • Tabs: Do not indent paragraphs. Use first line indentation - 1cm.
    • Note numbers: Write the note number after the text. Do not separate it from the text with one space.
    • Footnotes: Times New Roman, size 10; single space; justified. Use them just as content notes to provide supplemental information to the reader; otherwise use parenthetical reference in the text.


    • Quotations with 4 or more lines: do not use quotation marks; indent to the left, 1,75 cm; set off from the text; size 12; 1 space.
    • Quotations in the text: use quotation marks and, if you use punctuation marks after the quotation, place them after closing the quotation marks.
    • Parenthetical references in the text: in brackets/parentheses, author’s last name and page number. Separate author’s last name and page number with one space: ex.: (Postman 3-4)
      • a. One work by the author of two or more works: place a comma after the author’s last name, add a shortened version of the title of the work, and supply the page number(s): ex.: (Toffler, Future 211)
      • b. When using the author’s name in your sentence: place only the page number(s) of the source in parentheses: ex.: (25)
    • Interpolations: use [ ].
    • Omissions: use [...].


Times New Roman, size 11; single space; justified.


    • Works cited: at the end of the document. Paginate this section as a continuation of the text; Times New Roman; size 12; Hanging 1.27
    • Order: list entries in alphabetical order according to the last name of the author. If you are listing more than one work by the same author, alphabetize the works according to the title.
    • BOOKS: When citing a book, provide the following information: Author’s last name, first name (publication date). Book Title. Additional information. City of publication: Publisher. Medium of publication. Examples:
  1. A book by one author: Light, Richard J. (2001). Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Print.
  2. An anthology or compilation: Valdez, Luis, and Stan Steiner, ed(s). (1972). Aztlan: An Anthology of Mexican American Literature. New York: Vintage-Knopf. Print. 
  3. A work in an anthology: Silko, Leslie Marmon (1991). “The Man to Send Rain Clouds.” Imagining America: Stories from the Promised Land. Ed. Wesley Brown and Amy Ling. New York: Persea, 191-95. Print.
  4. A translation: Giroud, Françoise (1986). Marie Curie: A Life. Trans. Lydia Davis. New York: Holmes. Print. 
  5. A book with a title in its title: Habich, Robert D. (1985). Transcendentalism and the Western Messenger: A History of the Magazineand Its Contributors, 1835-1841. Rutherford: Fairleight Dickinson University Press. Print.
  6. More than one book by the same author: Type 5 dashes _____
    • ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS: When citing an article in a periodical/journal, provide the followinginformation: Author’s last name, first name (date). “Article title.” Periodical/journal title volume.issue: pages.Medium of publication. Example:

Duvall, John N. (1994). "The (Super)Marketplace of Images: Television as Unmediated Mediation in DeLillo's White Noise." Arizona Quarterly 50.3: 127-53. Print.

    • INTERNET OR WEB SOURCES: When citing information form Internet or World Wide Web sources, provide the following information:

Author’s last name, first name (date of electronic publication). “Article title” or Book title. Publication information for any printed version. Or subject line of forum or discussion group. Indication of online posting or home page. Title of electronic journal. Page numbers or the numbers of paragraphs or sections. Name of institution or organization sponsoring Web site. Date of access to the source <URL>.

    • Note: For other entries not mentioned above, please consult: Trimmer, Joseph F. (2004). A Guide to MLA Documentation. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.


The Executive Editorial Board is responsible for proofreading and copyediting galley proofs, thus ensuring that the reproduction of the texts selected for publication is accurate and correct; exceptionally and upon explicit and justified request, proofs will be sent to the authors. 


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