Review and Decision Process
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish, or not, submitted manuscripts, and informs the authors of its decision within a reasonable time frame. This decision is supported by an evaluation of the manuscripts based on a double blind peer-review system, carried out in two consecutive stages:
a) The Editorial Board makes a first evaluation, deciding on the manuscript’s submission to the following stage of the process; this decision is made by taking into consideration criteria of relevance, interest, and quality, defined according to the journal's editorial policy, as well as the manuscript’s conformity to the submission guidelines contained in this document;
b) This second stage involves a double blind peer-review by anonymous reviewers and by at least one member of the Editorial Board, who are asked to provide reviews that will be used as a basis for the final decision on the manuscript's publication.
- The Editorial Board may suggest revisions to authors, according to the recommendations made by the reviewers, and ask for a new evaluation of the revised paper in order to make the final decision on its publication.
- If the submitted manuscripts are not accepted for publication, Op. Cit. will inform the authors of the reasons for this decision; in the case of manuscripts submitted to the second stage of evaluation, the reviewers' opinions will be sent to the authors.
- Authors are fully responsible for their published manuscripts.